For those of you who realize that we are all interconnected and that animal cruelty really does have no place in the world, here is some year end news. It's only with feedback that we learn what we do can and does make a difference.
Watch the slideshow at the Human Society of the United State's web site. It's Christmas! See if just maybe you can make a small donation for the health of our loving cohabitants.
I thought twice about using my blog as a platform for this subject, but then decided I had to be true to myself. I don't sign every petition that comes along, but when it comes to unnecessary and cruel animal testing, I surely don't mind jumping in. I purchase cruelty free products for my own consumption.
So, with Halloween coming up I've signed the following petition which can be edited before you decide to sign. Consider supporting this cause. I can't find any value to this sort of industry behavior. I really don't think these experiments are going to create great strides toward the overall health of mankind.
Here's the letter
"I was shocked to learn that Mars is still funding deadly animal tests even though the tests are not required by law, more reliable human studies could be used instead, and your chief competitor, Hershey's, refuses to test its products on animals. Please follow Hershey's lead by promising not to fund or conduct experiments on animals.
Unless I hear that Mars has ended all support for animal tests, I will be buying my Halloween candy from a more compassionate company this year and will encourage my friends and family to do the same."
One of the pitfalls to healthy eating is the expense of organic foods, foods that aren't overly processed, additive free, not full of soybean, corn syrup (I swear, it's in everything), and high fructose (all bad stuff).
The latest statement from the Presidential panel on cancer asks the government to stop being the "purveyor" of foods that are not healthy. The public should be encouraged to eat fruits, vegetables and exercise more and we're simply not. Look at all the food commercials. Physical education in schools has about disappeared.
The current cost of healthful foods and the lack of physical education focus in schools don’t provide the best environment toward this initiative. Politicians don't protect our health. One third of cancers are caused by inactivity and obesity, and all the additives in food lead to obesity.
The advice from the President's panel includes the following:
Greater tobacco restrictions - increased cigarette tax Get unhealthy foods out of schools Regulate food advertising and stop subsidizing agricultural sectors that grow foods that are unhealthy in their processed forms.
"This country must not ignore its moral obligation to protect the health of all Americans. We can and must empower individuals to make healthy choices through appropriate policy and legislation, and the panel urges you to use the power of your office toward this life-saving goal," the panel, chaired by Howard University's Dr. LaSalle Leffall, wrote in a letter to Bush.
All things in moderation? It's a hard lesson to learn, especially for me when it comes to chocolate. Of course, chocolate is very good for you - in moderation.
But, that's not the purpose of the Healthy food section here. I actually want to share these Swedish recipes from great blog just full of fresh food recipes - fruit, fish, chicken - and not just your usual fare. There's a chocolate raspberry cake that only takes fifteen minutes to make! The author is Karin and I'd love to spend a day in her kitchen.
Once you visit, you'll get lost. Start with the Swedish Herring recipe - full of Omega 3 fatty acids. Enjoy.
LDL and HDL Cholesterol There is always something new regarding how we're supposed to manage our cholesterol, so the subject really needs a section of its own.
Adopting a healthy lifestyle involves total lifestyle changes. Genetics play a big role in determining your risk for the development of stroke, diabetes and many other illnesses.
There's no question that high cholesterol levels contribute to cardiovascular disease. But each component of cholesterol has been closely studied.
We've been hearing more and more about how it's necessary to manage our LDL (bad) cholesterol levels . The newest guidelines state that your LDL cholesterol level needs to be less than 70, especially if you are at high risk - that is, if you have a family history of heart disease or have already experienced heart problems.
However, if your HDL (good) cholesterol levels are not high enough, it's "always bad" according to recent studies.
Exercise will raise your HDL cholesterol, but not by a lot. Sometimes you just have to take the medications prescribed to treat your cholesterol levels. A lot of people don't want to do this because of side effects.
One of the most frequently prescribed medications to raise HDL is Niacin. Many people develop "flushing" after they take Niacin. To prevent the flushing, your doctor probably will tell you to take an aspirin 30 minutes prior to taking your Niacin. Not many people want to keep adding medications - this is common feedback and I understand it from a patient perspective.
Your risk of heart attack is very real if your HDL is too low. If you know, you fall into this category, please discuss it with your doctor and explore your options.
Eat right, exercise, and learn to relax. If you smoke, consider a stop smoking program. Smoking cessation is one of the most effective measures you can take to get your HDL cholesterol levels higher. Sometimes cholesterol problems are simply hereditary, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't do everything you can to help yourself.
You should have a complete cholesterol profile from your doctor to best learn your risks. Investigate your personal risk factors. Prevention is the key to good health.
Well, it seems that the old adage, "everything is a trade off" again rings true. It's been found that there is a definite link between low LDL (the bad) cholesterol and cancer.
The question arises as to whether the cardiovascular benefits of lower LDL levels outweigh this risk. Cholesterol lowering medication is called a statin. "The statin trials have clearly shown that statin therapy, overall, reduces cardiovascular risk," said senior investigator Dr Richard Karas (Tufts-New England Medical Center, Boston, MA). "These findings don't change that. They're based on the same studies. But a component of that, perhaps one of the costs of that, is a relationship between the LDL lowering and cancer risk."
Dr. Karas has expressed concern that his statement might lead to medication noncompliance in patients who are taking cholesterol lowering drugs. He points out that research is still trying to understand the risk associated with lower LDL levels. In other words, it's not the medication causing Cancer and the blame isn't to be placed on the actual therapy itself. Does lowering LDL levels introduce or accelerate cancer? A "definite and linear relationship" between LDL and new onsets of cancer exists. The cancers found once LDL levels reached target had no common denominators; were not of a particular type or in the same place.
Dr. Karas admits the finding was a surprise. It wasn't one of the health issues being studied. Another interesting note is that several studies from the 1970's, before the widespread use of cholesterol medication, documented higher incidence of cancer in persons with low cholesterol levels, once again highlighting the need to find what the link is between low cholesterol and cancer.
The researchers were hesitant about publishing the findings over concerns that it could possibly do harm if people stopped taking their medications. In the end, all agreed it is just too important not to disclose. Investigation is ongoing.
I've developed sort of a knack for finding healthy news that's really good. In fact, one of my physician employers regularly relied on my updates re; chocolate is good for you, German researchers found lots of beer get the drift.
Here's another not so bad research result. The American College of Physcians, at their annual meeting, suggested that consuming moderate amounts of alcohol may have some benefits toward reducing your risk of lung disease.
The recommendation is two drinks per day, correlating with a 20% reduction in lung disease. Here we go again...moderation is indeed a key to good health.
Hooray Broccoli!
Broccoli Lotion May Prevent Skin Cancer
It may be possible to prevent skin cancer by applying a topical preparation derived from broccolli sprouts. The solution promotes the production of protective skin enzymes, making the skin cells resistant to UV harm.
The news comes from a Team of scientists at Johns Hopkins.
Many of you have at least heard the term "mini stroke". The Medical term is TIA, or transient ischemic attack. It's a minor stroke that usually resolves without treatment. The symptoms vary, but commonly seen are short periods of memory loss, weakness, or difficulty speaking. It doesn't last long and then it simply goes away.
Patients having a TIA usually are not admitted to the hospital. Doctor follow up and testing is always recommended, but not with so much urgency.
Now there is a focus toward rapid assessment and treatment of even a small stroke, TIA, or "mini stroke". Preventive treatments for stroke already exist - lowering cholesterol, controlling blood pressure and blood thinners if indicated.
The risk reduction for another stroke dropped by 80% with rapid and agressive preventative treatment.
If you have a condition that has caused you to experience mini strokes don't be alarmed if you find your Doctor being a bit more aggressive about your treatment plan. If not, advocate for yourself - get tested and discuss preventive measures with your doctor.
The study is published online October 9 in the Lancet.
Caffeine with Tylenol May Cause Liver Damage 10/19/07
Researchers at the University of Seattle in Washington have done a study to see what effect caffeine and coffee have on the liver.
The published results warn that the combination of Tylenol and Caffeine actually triples the amount of a toxic Tylenol by-product - N-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine (NAPQI). This is especially true for heavy caffeine drinkers. Toxins in the body are filtered by the liver, so this by-product poses a large burden on the liver.
The liver works constantly to help the body maintain a state of balance - it is one of the body's filtering mechanisms. Many medications are broken down in the liver. You can imagine the increased burden if you have any pre-existing liver problems or are already taking other medications, so beware.
The combination of alcohol and Tylenol (Acetomenophen) is a known toxic combination, for the same reasons as above - the Tylenol interacts with the alcohol, releasing the toxic enzyme and causing liver damage and possibly liver failure.
Think twice before you choose your hangover or headache remedy. The combination of alcohol the night before, several cups of coffee in the morning and Tylenol should really be avoided.
New AIDS Drug Approved
AIDS is a difficult disease to treat, and it presents many challenges to our healthcare providers and to society.
Current approaches for treatment involve a "cocktail" of different medicines used in conjunction with each other in an effort to control the effects, or symptoms of HIV -and the outcomes vary greatly.
The FDA has approved a drug that is completely unlike drugs currently on the market to treat AIDS - it is the first drug, in an entirely new class, that blocks an enzyme that other medications have not been able to target.
The drug is called Raltegravir and it actually lowers the amount of HIV in the blood. In addition, Ralegravir raises the body's immunity, encouraging the body to fight this difficult disease.
I'd say this is very good news!
New Help for Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis ravages by destroying the myelin sheath. The Myeln sheath surrounds nerve cells and speeds up the conduction of nerve impulses. When the sheath is destroyed, and depending on what location, a variety of symptoms can occur - one of the reasons that patients with Multiple Sclerosis have different presentations, or symptoms of this illness.
Researchers at the Mayo clinic have successfully been able to restore the myelin sheath in studies done on mice. In as little as five weeks, the mice showed repair with the injection of an antibody.
Chewing Gum Gets Approval
Three chewing gums have won approval from the American Dental Association - Wrigley sugar-free gums Orbit, Extra, and Eclipse. All three are shown to prevent cavities, remove plaque and strengthen teeth.
Chew Wrigley's three times a day for twenty minutes, after meals. The result is your teeth will be bathed in minerals such as calcium, phosphate, and fluoride.
House Calls
Your doctor just might make a house call. There is a nationwide trend in medical practice to see patients at home, a hotel, or even at your office - to the tune of out of pocket $250 to $450 on the spot.
You can call about minor illness such as a sore throat or sprained ankle, but be prepared to pay.
About Your Appendix
I've never understood exactly why surgeons used to be so quick to remove everyone's appendix. Years ago, if you had abdominal surgery, the appendix automatically went, simply because the surgeon was "in the area". That practice has disappeared.
It used to be thought that our appendix had no real function. It never made sense to me.
Now it's been determined that the appendix releases "good germs" that help the gut. The study, published in The Journal of Theoretical Biology, says the appendix helps to regulate the large colonies of germs residing in the intestinal tract.
Go figure!
Heart Attacks Linked to Panic Attacks A study has determined that women who have at least one panic attack per six months are three time more likely to have a heart attack or stroke in the next five years - strong evidence again that stress leads to major health problems.
Dr. Jordan Smoller of Boston's Massachusetts General Hospital says panic attacks must be added to the list of other mental illnesses that cause major health problems, such as depression, fear and hostility which are already known to lead to heart problems.
Take Your Vitamin D
Vitamin D has been getting a lot of attention recently. Studies are continuing to document the benefit of Vitamin D in decreasing overall mortality rates.
It is thought that deaths from cancer, heart disease and diabetes may be related to low levels of Vitamin D.
Use of vitamin D supplementation at ordinary doses of 400 to 830 IU daily is associated with reduction in mortality. Vitamin D supplementation has not shown any significant adverse effects.
"The authors hypothesized that by increasing vitamin D intake, we may be correcting a deficiency caused by a lack of natural sources of vitamin D especially from sunlight, and this may explain its greater beneficial effects. Deficiencies in vitamin D are known to be associated with increased risk for falls and fractures among other risks."
FDA Issues Drug Warning
Fentora, also known as Fentanyl buccal has been responsible for at least four fatalities. Fentanyl is a pain medication prescribed to patients who have what is described at "break through" pain - meaning other powerful pain killers are not providing pain relief. Fentanyl also has been prescribed for other patients who are intolerant of opiates (Morphine, Hydrocodone and the like).
I read about public health advisories for health care consumers and professionals all the time. As a Nurse I've definitely come to realize that well being lies in the hands of each and every one of us. This advisory is yet another reason why we need to remain healthy, work on disease prevention and help ourselves whenever possible.
Pain is a serious issue. No one should have to live with chronic or debilitating acute pain. But the answer doesn't always lie within a pill or capsule - at least not for the long term, except in cases of terminal illness, such as Cancer.
Pain management should be individualized, but with the help of all that is at our disposal, do we really need to subject ourselves to so many dangers in order to have a quality existence?
The FDA warns that Fentanyl should not be given to opioid-intolerant patients and those with acute pain, postoperative pain, headache/migraine, or sports injuries.
Patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals are being advised to report any of these symptoms if observed during Fentanyl use: trouble breathing or shallow breathing; tiredness; extreme sleepiness or sedation; inability to think, talk, or walk normally; and feeling faint, dizzy, or confused.
Healthcare professionals should report adverse events potentially associated with use of fentanyl buccal tablets to the FDA by phone at 1-800-FDA-1088, by fax at 1-800-FDA-0178, online at, or by mail to 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20852-9787.
Please Note. None of these self help options are intended to take the place of conventional medical care. Good health can be obtained more readily through a combination of self help and doing what your Doctor recommends.
Blood Test May Detect Lung Cancer
There's now a blood test that can be used to detect the possibility of lung cancer. The test shows promise and can detect the level of the protein human aspartyl (asparaginyl) ß-hydroxylase. (HAAH)
To date, there have been no blood tests at all that could let your doctor know if further testing for lung cancer might be necessary. Not only is a blood test less costly, but it could lead to earlier detection which is the key to survival when dealing with cancer.
A man has reported sudden hearing loss after taking Viagra. The FDA is including this as a new new warning on the labels for Cialis and Viagra.
Apparently twenty nine cases of sudden hearing loss have been reported in association with these drugs, but in two thirds of the cases the hearing loss was ongoing.
Just to clarify what warnings on drug labels mean - if anyone reports an unusual or unexplained event while taking a medication it is reported to the FDA as an adverse or untoward drug effect.
It doesn't always mean that the medication is responsible. In this instance, the warning will be on the label, but the FDA is investigating further.
Take good care of yourself. Exercise - and get your cholesterol treated if it's high. You'll be less likely to need either of these medications.
Testicular Health
Testicular cancer is a serious issue - early detection is the key to treatment. This video will show the proper way to examine your testicles. Remember, testicular cancer is a young man's disease, so please take this seriously.
Non Compliant With Your Health by Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac.
Non compliance is one of the biggest issues health care practitioners face today. It even happens among ourselves. Practitioner or not, we all have some degree of this. There is a resistance to not taking better care of ourselves! I hear these excuses in my practice daily:
"I want to get better/exercise/eat right... I just don't have the time/money/energy". "I can't remember to take my herbs or supplements!" "I just can't afford the treatments".
Translates to: I don't love myself enough. I am not worthy. I don't deserve to feel better. I choose to neglect myself. I don't really want to get better. How will I get sympathy and attention if I am not sick?
Resistance to change, being unaware, making assumptions or preconceived ideas, fear, as well as our own belief systems are the most notable culprits when it comes to non compliance.
1. Try the 3 M's: Get motivated, get moving, get out the mirror!
2. Motivating ourselves is the fire, which jump starts our actions. Find a good reason to be motivated...good health, better career, a new relationship....whatever your reason, make your choice and stick to it! Then use tools to get you motivated. Try inspiring music, the power of scent (lemon, orange, floral scents) or a more mind centering process like yoga, meditation or hypnosis.
3. Moving is the action to your motivation! There is a mountain of proof that movement is the best thing for mind, body and spirit. Moving helps with depression, increases our cardiovascular system, moves energy (Qi) and blood, stimulates the brain, increases hormone production and takes us from one place to the next. Use movement as a tool.
4. A mirror is a reflection of ourselves. How many times have we seen ourselves in others, both the good and the bad. A mirror is also a great tool. A mirror will tell you the truth. Look into one. What do you see? Since it can reflect back our true self, take advantage of its power and speak your positive affirmations into it. An affirmation is a word, phrase or statement asserting the existence or the truth of something. It is the act of affirming, asserting or stating something. Speaking your affirmation into the mirror is the best way to make your words a reality.
5. Be More Aware: Learn what your resistance is about. Why are you not "taking your herbs", "listening to other's opinions instead of your practitioner's advise" or not "finding time to do your exercises"? Look inside yourself (try the mirror by speaking the truth into it). What do you see. Is it a deep seated belief holding you back? Is it the lack of self love, self respect, self discipline? Whatever the reason....acknowledge it. Do not judge it. See it for what it obstacle in the way of change. A blockage that is not allowing you to transform. What is the reason behind this belief?
6. Make Room for Change: Make it a nourishing, self respecting place for change to take place in your mind. In the same way, create a life affirming, positive path to reach your goal. Make no excuses. Procrastination is the bi-product of feeling unworthy. Self worth leads us in the right direction.
7. A lack of awareness + not being grounded + being unfamiliar = FEAR. Become familiar with what your goal is. Once you are familiar with the reasons why your goal is important and familiar with the information you did not know or understand about your goal, this takes the fear out of it! Take initiative and responsibility in seeing your true goal through to completion. Once you are familiar, there is less fear and you become more grounded in your approach.
8. Make Every Effort: to do something each day that brings you closer to your goal. You will do this now, because you understand why you want to reach this goal, what it means to you and the fear behind it is gone. You will make the effort now because your are aware of the fact that you love and respect yourself more and deserve to make the effort.
9. The Honoring of Ourselves: is something we tend to lose sight of, especially as we grow older. "Excuse instead of action" seems to be the norm, instead of the exception. Honoring everyone else first (husband, wife, children, family, friends, colleagues) is the path we so often go down first, before we take care of our own needs. If you are not in tip top (mind, body, spirit) shape, how can you effectively care for others?
10. The attaining of your goal is one of the most rewarding and self gratifying accomplishments we can do for ourselves. And guess what? You deserve every single bit of it!
Influenza is responsible for thirty six thousand deaths annually. About ninety percent of those deaths occur in persons age 65 and older.
It's uncertain whether or not flu vaccine is of any benefit to our elderly population according to Lone Simonsen, from George Washington University in Washington, DC, and colleagues. This doesn't mean you shouldn't get a flu shot. The challenge here is for better studies - few studies have actually included persons who are at least seventy years old. Yet, elders are the ones specifically targeted to receive flu vaccine.
As we age, our antibody response decreases, according to the few studies that have been done. Since 1960, the World Health Organization has endorsed targeting influenza vaccination for elders and people with increased susceptibility. More people receive flu vaccine than in the past, but studies are unable to document that deaths have declined from flu.
Knowledge about the aging immune response should lead researchers to develop better policies regarding vaccinating our elderly population.
Be sure to get your flu shot so you won't spread it to anyone at high risk; and thank our scientific community for bringing this issue to light.
A new study has found that women between the ages of seventy and eighty five who drank tea had greater hip bone density than those who did not consume tea. More density simply means heavier, stronger bones, less osteoporosis, and less risk of fractures from accidents.
Researchers believe that the antioxidants in tea may be responsible for the good news. Hip fractures occur frequently with even minor falls. Preventing osteoporosis is a constant challenge post menopause.
The study appeared in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
To get the best benefit of the antioxidants found in tea, you should consume green tea, as it has the highest level of flavinoids - the substance responsible for consuming free radicals (damaging substances in the body). But, not to worry if you don't like the taste of green tea: there are many choices and they're all good for you.
If you have health reasons to avoid caffeine, or just prefer to do so, decaffeinated teas are readily available as an alternative. It doesn't matter if you drink it hot or cold, but instant tea is not your best choice.
It's been known for a long time that tea can strengthen immunity, aid digestion and rid the body of free radicals.
Now we have another potential benefit!
Exercise, drink tea and make sure you have a balanced diet to help yourself maintain a quality lifestyle.
Visit our partner for great gift ideas. Make it a tea party for health!
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Cardiac rehabilitation is available to Medicare recipients. If you've had open heart surgery (CABG) or a heart attack (MI), you should ask your doctor to refer you to this formal program that allows you to be observed closely when exercising.
A staff of nurses and exercise physiologists in Cardiac Rehabilitation monitor your EKG (electrocardiogram), educate you about heart disease and help with nutrition.
Researchers have concluded that very few Medicare recipients receive this service. The results vary widely from state to state. The report was published in the October 9th issue of Circulation, authored by Dr. Jose A. Suaya and colleagues at Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts.
Use of Cardiac rehab was greatest in the North Central states and lowest in the South. Participation was also greater in the higher education and income population.
The researchers concluded that the reasons for the above included:
"1. Doctor's referral to cardiac rehab.
2. Patient's awareness of the benefits cardiac rehabilitation
3. Availability of cardiac rehab services near the patient's residence.
4. Appropriate reimbursement rates that allow cardiac rehab facilities to cover operational costs.
5. Patient's ability to get to cardiac rehab, for example, by public transportation, his or her own vehicle, or a ride with a family member."
I first recognized that I had a problem in my own salivary duct when I ate something sweet and the right side of my face became immediately painful and swollen.
It was a bit scary, but I felt otherwise alright. I noticed that my mouth was especially dry, that I didn't seem to be producing any saliva on the right side when I ate.
So I went off to the doctor to get a diagnosis because there were several possibilities about what could be wrong. I needed to make sure I didn't have some sort of malignancy for instance. A CT (CAT scan) definitively confirmed that I had a stone in my salivary duct.
I then poured through my medical journals and articles, reading all about salivary stones and followed my Doctor's advice. Ignoring the presence of a stone is uncomfortable plus if you can't salivate properly you can get an infection from the stagnation of your saliva.
That was several years ago and I still have the stone (sometimes they pass through the gland), but I've managed the pain and swelling without having any surgery. I get the most relief from frequent massages to my jaw area.
I can usually feel my jaw "tightening" and I get symptoms if I'm not well hydrated, or if it's been a day when I've eaten little.
If you've been diagnosed with a stone in your salivary gland, conservative measures, such as jaw massage, applying heat, getting plenty of fluids and using sour candy to stimulate salivation can keep things comfortable and prevent infection in the salivary gland.
When the gland gets swollen, massage it firmly several times throughout the day. If it's painful, apply warm compresses.
Here are some tips for fabulous skin from women dermatologists, over age 40. These are simple and inexpensive.
Products for the face that contain silicone help fill in the lines and creases and hold moisture in. Silicone allows other skin products and makeup to go on smoothly. When you're choosing your moisturizer look for dimethicone or cyclopentasiloxane. Olay Regenerist contains silicone and is great for under the eyes.
Dermatologist also recommend products with Vitamin C, E and Green or White tea because of the antioxidant effect.
Vaseline was recommended by one dermatologist for use on lips, eyelids and cuts to reduce scarring. She also uses vaselin on her hands and feet and as a makeup remover. Now that's a pretty inexpensive fix.
Use gentle cleansers. Many dermatologists recommend Dove soap because it is less drying for mature skin and less acidic. Cleansers that contain aloe and chamomile leave the face soft and don't remove beneficial oils.
Remember that after age forty, skin care becomes more of a challenge, but with just a little pampering you'll have fabulous skin.
I love my aesthetician, I really do. But sometimes I can't get in to see her. But mostly my skin care appointments are costly. Of course, I have to have glowing skin...I must!
Okay now you know beyond a doubt that I'm vain. But it's more than that. I want to look as good as I feel, I really do. Plus I've spent some time in the sun and now I have to undo some of that damage.
My aesthetician taught me some valuable things about face care. She also gave me the most wonderful facial massage. I didn't want to have to get up and go home.
Each visit was about $50 a pop...well worth it, don't get me wrong. But I didn't go back every four to six weeks like I was told.
I found a professional solution that I could use at home. Plus I'd been reading even more about the benefits of facial massage and decided I had to have the Fyola Facial Massager. I did the math and realized it would pay for itself in a matter of about five months. I've spent a lot more than that for my facials already.
Massaging your face makes your skin more elastic. It brings blood and nutrients to the skin surface. Blood carries oxygen to the skin and literally revitalizes the cells. All of this in turn stimulates collagen and elastin keeping those wrinkles and furrows at bay and improving the ones you already have. It also keeps your skin firmer providing a more youthful appearance.
The Fyola facial massager also makes it easier for my moisturizer to absorb so I'm not throwing money away on skin care products that are just laying on the surface of my skin.
Pro Acu Med Skin Care (Can Be Purchased Here - See Bottom of Page)
Cleanse, tone and remove skin toxins with the acu med skin care package. These products are made from organically grown teas and chinese herbs with proven medical benefits.
Kit includes a deep cleansing French Clay mask to remove impurities and revitalize the skin.
Pearl Cream to moisturize - good for all skin types. Pearl cream is a blend of deionized water, glycerin and vitamin A & E in a rich base of Aloe Vera and Green Tea Extract.
Moisturizing Pearl Cream is made from well selected pure precious pearls, which are reduced into a very fine powder. The pearl powder is then blended with rich moisturizing lotion, cooling Aloe Vera and soothing Vitamin E to give the skin a smooth layer of protection from the elements. The blend is balanced with the appropriate amounts of nutrients and moisture. Pearls are an excellent source of minerals, amino acids and calcium carbonate, the most absorbable form of calcium. Pearl Cream is recommended to speed the skin's natural metabolism in order to tone and rejuvenate complexion. It has been used to heal blemishes, minimize large pores and reduce redness. Pearl Cream and Pearl Powder are one of the best natural products for scar reduction!
Calendula, Basil, Dandelion and Red Clover herbal wash to cleanse and improve the overall condition of the skin.
Witch Hazel toner combined with Chamomile to close pores and protect the skin from the elements.
Floral scented face and body splash - the beautiful flowers of spring blended with distilled water and green tea extract.
All five products are available for $59.95. Choose from: Normal, Dry, Oily Problem/Combination Skin
What Your Diet Says About Your Face
We all want smaller waistlines. If that isn't enough to curb your sweet, tooth, consider the following:
Experts now believe that eating sugar can make your skin dull and wrinkled. Appropriately, the process is referred to as the AGE's process: a natural series of events where sugar attaches to proteins and form harmful molecules called Advanced Glycation End products - or AGE's. The process worsens as we eat more sugar, causing a cascade of events.
Collagen and Elastin are the targets of these harmful molecules and the process starts at age thirty five. Collagen is the most prevalent body protein; it's present in all of our cells. When collagen is damaged, it becomes dry and brittle - thus wrinkles and sagging skin.
Type III collagen is the most prevalent in our bodies. The Glycation process turns Type III collagen into Type I, and Type I collagen is more fragile.
It's never too late to build new collagen. Skin products that contain Retinol can be purchased over the counter. In addition, follow these steps for younger looking skin.
1. Limit added sugar in your diet. Sugar is present even in fruits and Vegetables. High fructose corn syrup is the worst. Click here and find out how many calories you should eat daily. Your sugar calories should be no more than 10% of your total for the day.
2. Watch for hidden sugar. Prepared foods are the worse culprits. Try to eat freshly prepared food. Look for ingredients like barley malt, corn syrup, dextrose, fruit juice concentrate, maltose, maple syrup, molasses and turbinado to find these hidden culprits. To help a bit more: the average consumer eats about 31 tsps. of sugar daily - 465 calories. Ten percent of that is about 46 calories which should be your daily sugar intake maximum -one 12 oz can of Coke or about six Hershey kisses.
So, when reading labels, find out how many grams of carbohydrates your food contains. divide it by four (one tsp. of sugar equals 4Gms.) and you'll know how many tsps. of sugar are in your food. Once you know what your calorie intake should be it's easier to monitor.
3. Take B Vitamins - at least 1 mg. of B1 and B6 a day. They are potent AGE inhibitors according to a number of studies. You can get them from food, but taking a vitamin supplement will ensure that you're getting your "B's". If you're over age fifty you should take 1.5 mg.
4. Wear sunscreen every day.
5. Eat fruits, nuts and vegetables (cranberries, walnuts and red bell peppers to name a few). These foods keep sugar from attaching to proteins, halting the Glycation or AGE process. Skin products with green tea, Vitamin C and E are real skin savers.
6. Look for skin products that contain aminoguanidine and alistin - they block the formation of AGE's.
Here's a link to a video you could purchase to learn chair dancing Click Here
I'm starting to get those senior citizen discounts and I'm beginning to notice a few more aches and pains. I used to take jazz and no, my kicks just aren't so high anymore. But I'm still going to dance.
In fact, the secret to staying pain free, flexible, injury free as well as preventing an entire plethora of other illnesses is simply to exercise.
It doesn't matter what you do, but you have to move. It also doesn't matter what your physical limitations are (unless they're severe of course) - YOU HAVE TO MOVE! Point taken?
It would literally require pages for me to discuss the reasons why this is so important. Here's the "Reader's Digest Condensed Version" of why exercise is so important, especially as we age.
Physically active senior citizens have less difficulty just getting around.
You will gain muscle strength and endurance which slows physical declne.
Exercise improves quality of life, mood, blood pressure, helps prevent heart disease and actually buffers the effects of obsesity. So even if you're overweight you should exercise.
Resistance training and exercise improves sexual health.
Research continues to point to the benefits of exercise, even moderate, no matter what your age.
If you want a better quality of life - EXERCISE!!!! SPEAK WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST.
Where Do I Start?
Go to Mark Eagle's Blog and read this post.. Then take a good look around at his articles. Mark is a fitness expert and I'm sure he will answer all your questions about how to get safely started with an exercise program. Just leave him a comment with your questions or even share what you know with his readers.
Don't MAKE me sell you a massager for aches pains and injuries. Instead, simply enjoy the joy of massage after a nice exercise.
Antibiotic Dangers
The following antiobiotics, all in the same family, are frequently used to treat lung, urinary, skin and intestinal infections - Cipro (we all heard about this drug during the Anthrax scares), Floxin, Tequin, Levaquin, Maxaquin and Noroxin. The FDA has issued a safety warning for elderly people who receive these antibiotics. You may have already taken one of these fairly common antibiotics in the past.
A previous warning from the FDA cautioned against the risk of tendon rupture while receiving antibiotics in this class, and even up to several months after the antibiotics are discontinued.
The new precautions extend the risk to "severe" tendon disorders that could even require surgery if you are over 65 and if you are taking steroids while on any of these drugs.
Doctor's are advised to have their patient stop the antibiotic and rest if symptoms occur that might indicate a tendon disorder while they're receiving any antibiotics in this particular class - Fluoroquinolones.
Winter is coming. Elderly persons are more susceptible to bacterial pneumonia in the coming months and it may be necessary to take one of these antibiotics.
You shouldn't refuse any antibiotics that your Doctor might prescribe, but be aware of these warnings and report any unusual pain - shoulders, Achilles tendon, hands or any other painful movement that you've not previously experienced.
One of the complementary or alternative treatments often recommended for rheumatoid arhtritis is massage. Never massage joints that are painful and swollen however.
Medication doesn't always make the pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis go away completely. Anyone living with this diagnosis knows the effect that chronic pain can have on your life. It can be overwhelming and an overall approach to pain control is often necessary.
Use of heat, cold, and massage are proven methods that can relieve mild joint pain. Relaxation, Tai Chi, and meditation can also be learned and have been found to be helpful.
Conventional treatment for rheumatoid arthritis should never be overlooked and it's important that you receive a definite diagnosis from your doctor to determine if you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.
Magnet therapy, fish oil supplements, homeopathy and acupuncture are a sampling of complementary treatments that have been found to be of benefit. Magnet therapy works for some people, but it's not understood why - scientific evidence is still lacking.
Discuss massage options with you doctor. Heated massagers, like our Infrared massager provides deep penetration. Remain active; exercise helps maintain strength and flexibility. Follow a good diet, avoiding highly processed foods - focus on fruits and vegetables rich in anti-oxidants.
Combine ingredients in a bottle, shake extremely well. Then just rub into the feet and heels. You feet will feel better instantly. BTW Store in a cool dry place.
For ongoing relief of aching feet please check out our Dr. Scholl's foot massager. It can be used as a foot rest, back or foot massager, overall body reviver or a pillow. It's on sale!
Did you know that most low back pain usually improves within one month of onset? New recommendations from the American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society advise that diagnostic testing (such as MRI) may not be necessary unless an underlying condition, such as cancer or infection is suspected.
These new guidelines may change the way your doctor approaches your treatment. The focus now is toward a more conservative approach. You may very likely be advised to remain active rather than rest and he may not immediately order tests.
Eighty five percent of low back pain results from nonspecific causes and can be treated with medication and self help. Many people prefer not to use drugs because of adverse side effects. Medication might simply include anti-inflammatory drugs or Acetaminophen (Tylenol).
Your family doctor may recommend exercise, spinal manipulation, physical therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, yoga or progressive relaxation for more persistent pain.
If you wish to learn some basic Yoga for back strengthening and flexibility - (again speak with your doctor first), we are able to offer this great book from our partner at Llewellyn’s book store. New practices in this book include a fifteen-minute routine to stretch your whole body, as well as a routine for each day of the week, each focusing on a specific area of the body. Learn how to relieve sciatica and strengthen your lower back, no matter what your age or ability. This may be what you need.
In summary -
.Many people suffer from low back pain at some point in their lives; it's likely that the pain will resolve within a month with conservative treatment. Your doctor will evaluate the risks and benefits of using medication.
.New guildelines suggest that it may not be necessary to have an MRI or CT unless you're experiencing weakness, leg numbness or other signs of neurological involvement. Always see your doctor to evaluate the cause of any back pain.
.Successful treatments for acute back pain pain include self care.
If you suffer from back pain see your doctor. We can recommend our Dr. Scholl's back cushion massager. It's heated and comes with an auto adaptor for long trips. It provides either a gentle or intense massage - great for anyone with low or upper back pain. The Dr. Scholl's massager comes with a hand held control for ease of use.
Try our massager and follow all of your doctor's recommendations if you experience back pain. Feel free to discuss the benefits of the back cushion massager at your doctor visit - I think he/she will approve.
If you're dealing with low back, or have in the past please leave a comment regarding how you've coped.
New Study Shows Accupuncture Provides Effective Relief for Back Pain
According to a recent German study, acupuncture can provide months of back pain relief. The study is one of the largest ever done to evaluate whether acupuncture could be effective.
Treatment with acupuncture, both traditional and with the use of needles inserted superficially was found to be more effective than medication and other traditional Western treatment.
Ref: Medscape, Sept. 2007
The Back Medic View our product page. The Back Medic provides proven, time tested acupressure techniques with pinpoint accuracy to target the troubled areas of your back and neck.
The use of oils during massage is essential. The lubrication from the oil makes it possible to “work” the sore area effectively and in a smooth manner.
Fragranced Oils infused with herbs can make the skin healthier and provide relaxation by stimulating our olfactory senses. Certain herbs are good for skin inflammation and soreness; many are blended for healing.
Oils that warm when they are applied are sometimes more desirable because the warmed muscles are more pliable and “relaxed”
For intimate massages, try oils that warm when you gently blow on them. These are especially nice for neck areas. Oils that are non toxic, non staining and edible provide the best couples massage - leave your options open for lots of kissing! Kama Sutra massage oils are a perfect complement for this type of activity.
Aromatherapy is healing; therapeutic. Aromas can be used in a variety of settings to promote relaxation and overall well being.
For instance, did you know that aromas created from the dried seeds of celery can promote restful sleep? Fresh gardenia promotes love and peace and honeysuckle can promote weight loss. Depending on your intentions for healing, aromatherapy can be a useful adjunct toward good health.
We're offering this useful book as a massage enhancement through our affiliation at Llewellyn's on line book store. This useful book even includes a history of magical perfumery! It's inexpensive and invaluable for anyone who wishes to add a new dimension of health and well being to life.
Learn to use aromas and diffuse them with our aromatherapy diffuser. It will enhance any environment and bring a slightly new dimension to your health.
If you have any existing health problems, especially respiratory illness, speak with your doctor before you use any aromatherapy preparations.
If you have any healthful tips or experience using aromatherapy please share them here.
Massage and Aromatherapy
One of the nicest ways to use aromatherapy is during a massage. Diffuse aromas in the room and apply your choice of stimulating, energizing or relaxing oil to the skin. Soothe away the stress of the day, improve circulation and aid healing using massage oils, creams or lotions.
Provide yourself or a loved one with a massage at home. It’s easy to learn. For the ultimate experience, of course, visit a certified massage therapist. We’re here to help when you just can’t get out of the house.
Try one of our pure Angel's Mist Massage Oils. These massage oils are pure and come in your choice of aromatherapy.
Ocean-Grapeseed based oil provides the tranqulity of Coconut and Chamomile essential oil. Garden- has a nurturing Sunflower base with the fragrance Bulgarian Rose, White Gardenia and French Lavender essential oils. Meadow- Safflower base with a fetching and soothing aroma combining Oriental Sandalwood and Juniper essential oil. Woodland-Sweet Almond base which is very pleasing. Combines Baltic Cedarwood and Canadian Pine essential oils.
Nurses Relax with Aromatherapy and Massage
The results of a new study using aromatherapy, massage and new age music to relieve stress at work has been recently published in the Journal of Clinical Nursing. The combination seems to have had a positive effect on the stress level of emergency room nurses. The findings show that the nurses calmed down after the session. It’s not known for certain if the aromatherapy and massage, just taking a break or listening to soothing music was responsible for the reduction in anxiety. Further studies should define the results more clearly.
All of the nurses had moderate to high levels of anxiety prior to receiving aromatherapy. The nurses chose their favorite fragrance, listened to New Age Music through headphones and got a shoulder, neck, back and scalp massage while sitting in a chair. Aromas were spritzed over and around the head. Thirty nurses were involved - only 8% reported moderate to high anxiety after receiving a massage. The fragrance menu consisted of either rose, lavender, lime, and an “ocean breeze” mix of lavender, ylang ylang, bergamot, and patchouli scents.
Lavender scent is known to promote a sense of calm and well being. Try massaging your hands, arms and legs with our lavender massage cream anytime you’re feeling the stress of the day.
Massage has many benefits. According to the American Massage Therapy Association, one in six American adults has received a therapeutic massage.
Massage provides relief for many ailments including arthritis, sports injuries, back pain, anxiety and poor circulation.
It’s not always possible to get to a masseuse - you can master some simple massage techniques that you can easily perform on yourself or a partner.
Try some of the following and I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the positive effects.
For Tired Eyes: Place your thumbs under your eyebrows close to the bridge of your nose. Start moving your thumbs in small circles as you gently apply pressure. Continue outward and around the eyes returning to the bridge of your nose, focusing on any sore areas. Repeat this exercise several times. The simple movements will help concentration and is very refreshing.
Massage to Ease Headaches and Tension: Put your thumbs on your cheekbones close to your ears and gently apply pressure. Use your fingers and begin massaging your temples using tiny circular movements as you proceed to your hairline. Continue to the forehead then up to the line of your scalp. Just as before, repeat this several times, stopping to focus on any areas that are sore or tender. Our Massaging Hair Brush can provide a stimulating scalp massage, sure to help with head and neck tension.
Do this exercise at your computer. Rest your elbows on your desk and let your head gently drop forward. Massage your neck starting at your shoulders and proceed to the base of your skull. Make small deep circles on each side of your spine.
Put both hands on the back of your neck and interlace your fingers. Drop your head forward and just let the weight of your elbows pull your head down until you feel a stretch. For extra help try our USB powered massager for those long hours at the computer.
What are your favorite exercises for sore muscles?
Why not try “communicating” with your partner by way of massage? It’s a great way to express that you care and also a good tension reliever. Remaining in touch physically with each other has a multitude of benefits that lead to overall good health and well being.
For a change of pace, try the erotic massage kit and game. This kit contains floral Musk massage oil, wood musk body and massage lotion, and Chocolate Cafe edible warming oil for you and your partner. A massage game is included to make things more enticing. This highly recommended product for couples will guide you and your partner in a new direction. It’s a small but wonderful investment and a sure fire way to “break the ice”.
Abdominal Massage
Providing yourself with an abdominal massage is a great way to relieve constipation (stimulates peristalsis, or intestinal "movement") and provide beneficial blood flow to the organs. Abdominal massage can release hormones, enhance circulation in the lymphatic tissues, and help digestion.
Massaging your abdomen can also potentially burn some fat as it provides heat and brings oxygen to the area.
Do Not's Never perform an abdominal massage on yourself if you have ulcers, recent surgery, hernia, inflammation of the uterus of fallopian tubes, bladder inflammation or infection or kidney stones.
Also, never provide yourself with a belly massage after a large meal. Wait at least two hours.
Don't do this if you have high blood pressure, it will raise your blood pressure further.
Don't do it with a full bladder; empty first.
Never perform if you have any sort of bleeding problems anywhere in your body.
How to Perform
First, check with your doctor and make sure there are no contraindications to this activity.
Lie on your back on the floor or other firm surface. Start your massage with your favorite massage lotion
Beginning from the right perform circling motions clockwise about ten times.
Next extend your hands and place them on your lower rib area and simply "knead" your belly toward your pelvis. When you're finished tap your belly all over with your fingertips.
Finally use your palms to rub; start at the pelvic bone and go to your belly button. Now rock from side to side.
Rest for five minutes after you've finished. It's important to get up slowly. You should feel energized.
Tantric massage is not a medical or therapeutic massage. It is a massage that releases inner tensions, anxiety and promotes energy, bringing the body back into balance and harmony.
It is possible to experience lasting therapeutic effects from tantric massage however. The state of relaxation you can experience helps release muscles spasms, strengthen the immune system, clarifies thinking, and even relieves pain and soreness. From the Eastern philosophical perspective, harmony and balance prevent disease. Rather than being focused on anatomy as in Western Massage, tantric massage focuses on energy centers. It is sensual and loving, promoting good general health as well as good sexual health.
Tantric massage is therefore, especially suited for couples and it combines principles of Yoga and meditation. Who better to deliver this type of loving massage than your partner? Tantric massage is said to provide separate and unique benefits to the male and female.
Tantric philosophy is ancient. It focuses on self realization, something we all could use. Though it stems from Hindu and Buddhist practices it is not necessary to change your spiritual beliefs to experience the benefits.
You can provide a tantric massage to your partner with our sensual massage kit, complete with "how to" book; designed for anyone who wants to provide or experience the healing benefits of tantric massage.
Comments from Tantric healers or anyone who has experienced a Tantric massage or experience would be most welcome.
Tantric Massage Video
Intimate Massage
A Tip to Enhance Your Relationship Many people don’t have time to focus on maintaining intimacy. Experts believe that sexual desire is inhibited by everyday stress. We have a need to focus on productivity - and that is what often takes precedence. The result is a decline in libido. One way to reconnect is to offer a relaxing massage, especially after a hard day at work. Touch is a powerful libido enhancer. Just a neck or shoulder massage can go a long way. Anyone can learn simple massage techniques.
Take time to refocus your thoughts. Consciously let go of of the events of the day. It isn’t easy and it does take some mental training. Try setting the mood with music and candlelight. Ignore the television and engage in conversation instead. Learn how to touch your partner with a simple, gentle massage. A book or video can be useful in learning how to provide just the right touch.
If you want to take it to the next level, learn how to give or receive a truly erotic massage. Orgasmic passion is one of the deepest ways to connect or reconnect with each other. Proponents of erotic massage refer to themselves as "pleasure activists"...and why not?
Explore the possibilities. There’s no question that orgasmic pleasure is good for your health. Researchers have documented the benefits of regular, enthusiastic sex - increased immunity, longevity, relief from pain and depression - and lots and lots of smiling! (okay, the smiling part isn’t scientific). After all, most of us do have a desire for intimacy.
Are you perhaps smiling now?
Try the “Massage for Dummies” book. It’s unique and fun, with hands on illustrations. You’ll learn how to give a massage in no time.
How do you manage stress?
Hawaiian Massage
Learn about the Lomi Lomi massage, sometimes referred to as the "Healing Hands" massage. The Lomi Lomi massage allows the recipient to completely relax, totally nurturing the body with love as circulation is improved, tension is released and toxins are removed via lymphatic stimulation.
It has been touted to release negativity as the recipient asks for the intention of healing. It begins with stillness and is done intuitively.
It has been described as fluid, feeling like gentle waves moving across the body. You can learn the art of Lomi Lomi Massage with an instructional DVD.
Do you know what hot stone massage is? Ever tried taking advantage of this therapeutic marvel? If you haven’t, then read on about what this kind of massage is and what benefits it can provide for you.
Since a few years ago, the idea of using hot stone massage has become widely accepted as a great addition to the world of massages. It’s present in the healthcare industry for a good reason. In the previous four years, this type of massage has become the in-thing of spas, clinics, salons, and therapeutic centers across the globe. In today’s world, it’s considered a very effective way to conduct massage, and complements the more traditional practices.
The Beginnings of Hot Stone Therapy
Despite what many people believe, the concept behind hot stone massage didn’t originate in the Arizonan desert, or as part of a saint’s vision, as some massage therapists claim. In fact, the origins of this massage go back 5000 years. It was seen in ancient India with the therapeutic traditions of Ayurveda. Research indicated that this kind of therapy saw its origin in the rocks that healers collected from river beds. They would warm them using hot water or coals and then treat bodily discomfort with them. Through these ancient methods, today’s hot stone massage entered the practice of healing.
The Basics
This massage method is also referred to as la stone massage or heated stone. It is claimed that it creates a unique connection between people and nature. This idea was perhaps conceived because the process includes using basalt stones of different shapes and forms that have been heated in water. They can aid in healing different kinds of imperfections in the body.
Normally, the stones are put at key areas of the body, such as the hands or spine, while the massage therapist administers a deep massage. By the reckoning of some experts, the stones’ heat produces powerful and dramatic results when they are placed in these areas. They can alleviate the discomfort of fatigued and aching muscles. Besides this, proponents of hot stone massage contend that using warm stones can tremendously improve blood circulation and the exchange of lymph in the body.
There are many more wonders of this massage technique. It is also claimed that it can relieve sore muscles, relax the nervous system, loosen tight joints, and release energy in the body that has been blocked. Doing these things will help the body function better.
In summary, there are many advantages to improving your well-being with hot stone massage. Here they are, just to recap:
* Helps circulation * Relieves sore muscles * Loosens tight joints * Relaxes the nervous system * Lets out blocked energies * Helps deep relaxation
Given all these advantages, it’s not surprising that this massage therapy is seen as perfect for people very sensitive to heavy pressure. It’s also considered a good technique for people afflicted by fibromyalgia. And with the relief the stones can offer for sore, tired muscles, it’s great for hiking and skiing enthusiasts.
About the Author: Jane Wyvern is an established freelance writer. You can find more of her writing at, and