Sunday, June 10, 2012

Smokers more likely to quit when they eat their fruits and vegetables

Image credit: Morguefile
There may be a new and easier way for smokers to kick tobacco by eating more fruits and vegetables. Researchers aren't sure why, but smokers were found in a new study to be more likely to quit smoking and stay tobacco free after 30 days when they at plenty of healthy veggies and fruit.

The finding comes from University at Buffalo researchers who say eating fruits and vegetables might work for smokers because it give them a feeling of fullness. The study authors say sometime smokers confuse hunger for the urge for nicotine.

Another reason more fruits and vegetables might help with nicotine cravings is because cigarettes taste better with meat and coffee. 

Besides helping smokers quit, fruits and vegetables - especially apples and tomatoes - do good things for the lungs. Read the entire story and watch a video at Digital Journal. 