I read a quote today from Dr Peter Kokkinos (Veterans Affairs [VA] Medical Center, Washington, DC), and it spawned too many thoughts. I realize how important exercise is to all of us. As a Registered Nurse, I'm also painfully aware of individual limitations toward health maintenance. I recognize the burden on Healthcare. We know beyond a doubt that exercise will reduce mortality. What is the problem then?
Here's the quote: "People are people, and we all get caught up in the excuse, 'I can't exercise I don't have time,'" Kokkinos commented. "But everyone needs to get involved to get this nation going again, because we are the fattest nation, the most sedentary nation in the world. And we need to do something about it." (1)
Dr. Kokkinos also states: "For God's sake, if we could walk on the moon we can certainly walk on earth."
These comments stem from research that included male Veterans who were enrolled in a study designed to measure the incidence of overall mortality as it relates to exercise. It is one of the largest studies ever done.
The results have proven that you can reduce your risk of death from overall causes by 70% by improving your exercise capability. Even moderate fitness yielded a 50% drop in mortality.
I agree with Dr. Kokkinos, and I appreciate the study, but I feel like this really is difficult for too many people. I'd like to see a study that actually targets resolutions to this lack of overall fitness.
Black veterans, white veterans, veterans with heart disease, and those with no heart disease were included in the study. No one socioeconomic group was targeted. The outcome remained the same for everyone - exercise will help you live longer.
Walking just thirty minutes a day would do the trick. Here are some limitations as I see them:
Mall walking means you have to get up pretty early; something than takes away from family time and other personal obligations. Yes, it's a free, viable alternative for winter months, but think about how many people work very long hours. The same limitations regarding family time apply to walking in the evening. Also, during the winter months it's too dark to walk safely. In many parts of the country it's too cold or just impossible due to snowfall and ice.
Too many people don't have space in the home for exercise equipment. Maybe they can't afford this sort of purchase.
Other forms of home exercise may require other expense and space: a computer, training DVD's, or monthly online subscriptions. At the very least, even Fit TV requires Cable.
I suppose you can stand in the room and march in place, but only the truly motivated will do this, bringing us back to square one.
For many, the options are truly limited. No, not everyone can simply walk thirty minutes a day.
Perhaps this is a by-product of capitalism. We have encouraged the work sector to sit in front of computers, allowed employers to remain unconcerned about the health of their employees, and permitted laws requiring mandatory overtime. In many states, an employee can be "fired at will". Many people work long hours, even seven days a week. Fatigue, stress and financial concerns, compounded by increased fatigue and worry stemming from frantic attempts to fit in daily exercise doesn't seem like a good recipe for success.
We have become cogs in the wheel, focused on work and productivity; allowing our own health and well being to be sacrificed. We have lost our substance. The day has to arrive when health takes precedence over money. It's not JUST an individual response to action; initiatives for health should involve changes in employee/employer relationships, legislation and obsession with productivity on the part of Corporate America. Can we never settle for "comfortable" profits?
I realize there are many large corporations who include employee wellness in their structure. On the flipside, I know of one small company that has even removed employee pay lunches, squeezing every sixty seconds possible from their employees. The same company cut employee lunch breaks to twenty minutes, both of these changes applicable to temporary employees.
We need to treat the entire dilemma regarding good health by taking this issue to a higher level for examination and resolution. How about some powerful advocacy in the workplace? Perhaps we could base our economy on individual empowerment rather than control.
That's my opinion, what is yours? Does your workplace provide incentives toward exercise? Can you break away from other obligations to fit in some exercise? Please leave a comment.
(1)http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/569106 ◦