Before you decide whether to massage your child to relieve sinus congestion, consider some safety tips. If your child is feeling ill, he or she may not be receptive to a sinus massage. Do not massage the sinuses if your child has a fever.
Warm your hands before you massage the scalp of your child to relieve sinus congestion. You can use a warm massager, moving it gently around the face. Look at your child, focusing on his face to make sure your child is comfortable. You do not want to perform the sinus massage too fast, or with too much pressure. Most parents know when their child is uncomfortable, but make sure you ask your child to share with you how he or she is feeling.
First, gently massage the scalp. Put your fingers on the head and make circles to massage the scalp. Massaging your child's scalp will calm, preparing for the next part of the sinus massage.
Cover all areas of the scalp. Massage the top and the temples. Use soft glides toward the end of the massage.
The video below shows how to massage the cheeks. The goal is to get your child's sinuses to drain, as you provide warmth to the face during the massage. The circular motion, and gentle pressure beside the nose helps mobilize secretions that cause stuffy nose and sinus headache. Once that occurs, the sinuses are able to drain, relieving sinus pressure.
After you have massaged the scalp, move to the face. Apply pressure to each side of the nose for a few seconds. Move your hands outward and up to your child's forehead, then repeat. Watch the next video to see the technique used for sinus massage in children. Massaging the nose can relieve allergy symptoms for your child.
You can also apply a warm washcloth to the face after you massage the sinuses. The heat will facilitate drainage and open up your child's sinuses. Try our sponge massager. You can warm it, and use it on the face, forehead, scalp and back of the neck if you feel massage impaired.
With a bit of practice, and good communication, it may be possible to help your child get relief from sinus congestion and allergies by performing a simple sinus massage. ◦