Results of a new study show that Manuka honey can inhibit proteins in bacteria, including MRSA. The results show how helpful natural compounds are for helping humans treat disease. Researchers studied MRSA in the lab, finding that Manuka honey has properties that can kill bacteria, and that it is not just the result of sugars found in honey. Read more
Insomnia 101: It can hurt your heart
Results of a new study show that insomnia raises blood pressure during the night, and can lead to heart disease. Over time, insomnia can hurt your heart. Researchers from Université de Montréal, its affiliated Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal Sleep Disorders Centre and the Université Laval recently studied people with insomnia, compared to people who sleep well, finding the connection between lack of sleep and heart disease. Read more
Depression treatment lowers breast cancer inflammation
Results of a new study show that women newly diagnosed with breast cancer experienced decreased markers of inflammation in the blood when therapy sessions were included to treat depression. Inflammation is known to promote cancerous tumor growth. Depression is known to increase inflammation, and can compromise breast cancer treatment outcomes. Read more ◦