Learn more at MarsCandyKills.com.
For those of you who realize that we are all interconnected and that animal cruelty really does have no place in the world, here is some year end news. It's only with feedback that we learn what we do can and does make a difference.
Watch the slideshow at the Human Society of the United State's web site. It's Christmas! See if just maybe you can make a small donation for the health of our loving cohabitants.
Celebrating Animals.
Take Action: Click Here and Read How You Can Help

Help Me Fight?
I thought twice about using my blog as a platform for this subject, but then decided I had to be true to myself. I don't sign every petition that comes along, but when it comes to unnecessary and cruel animal testing, I surely don't mind jumping in. I purchase cruelty free products for my own consumption.
So, with Halloween coming up I've signed the following petition which can be edited before you decide to sign. Consider supporting this cause. I can't find any value to this sort of industry behavior. I really don't think these experiments are going
to create great strides toward the overall health of mankind.
Here's the letter
"I was shocked to learn that Mars is still funding deadly animal tests even though the tests are not required by law, more reliable human studies could be used instead, and your chief competitor, Hershey's, refuses to test its products on animals. Please follow Hershey's lead by promising not to fund or conduct experiments on animals.
Unless I hear that Mars has ended all support for animal tests, I will be buying my Halloween candy from a more compassionate company this year and will encourage my friends and family to do the same."
And I will....
Here's the link if you would like to contribute to the well being of some of God's littlest creatures. http://getactive.peta.org/campaign/mars_animal_tests ◦