Monday, December 27, 2010

Electronic Health Records Fall Short for Improving Quality of Hospital Care

Are Electronic Health Records worth the Investment?

A study from the Rand Corporation shows implementation of electronic medical records in hospitals have, so far, failed to improve patient care, falling short on anticipated improvements in hospital performance.

The findings come from a study that included 2,021 acute care hospitals that revealed implementation of electronic health records did not improve quality of care when compared to hospitals that did not have the technology. The only exception was treatment of patients with heart failure. (read more)

What Your Father Ate could Affect Your own Disease Risks

What your father ate could have a big influence on you own personal risk factors for disease find researchers.
According to new evidence, parental health behaviors before conception may play an important role in the health of offspring to a greater degree than previously understood.

Oliver J. Rando, MD, PhD, associate professor of biochemistry & molecular pharmacology at UMMS and principal investigator for the study says, "Knowing what your parents were doing before you were conceived is turning out to be important in determining what disease risk factors you may be carrying." (read more)

Researchers Look at 'Un-Growth' Hormone to Reverse Aging

Scientists found blocking growth hormone with a compound called MZ-5-156, might actually help people live longer and reverse signs of aging, contrary to current thinking.

The researchers say the study is important because many older adults use growth hormone, thinking it is the fountain of youth, when instead it may be just the opposite and hazardous. (read more) ◦