This is a guest article from my friend "Seacoral" (Coralie). Coralie feels good as the result of drinking Noni juice, and I've asked her to share her health story here.
Personally, I've done no research on the benefits of Noni juice, but Coralie consumes Noni and will tell you first hand of the benefits.
Surely, the ancestors of the Polynesian people thought it was! However, the name Super Fruit is a marketing term that refers to a common or rare exotic fruit having exceptional nutrient richness, antioxidant quality or appealing taste. The noni shrub or small tree also referred to as Morinda Citrifolia, which is the correct scientific name, comes from the family Rubiaceae.
A man´s wife claimed he stopped snoring after 35 years!
A dog owner claimed that her dog enjoyed healthy senior years right up to 171/2 without pain or medications!
In its purest form, the Noni fruit is praised by many as an excellent source of antioxidants, including more than 150 nutrients claimed to have a positive effect on our own physiology.
The noni fruit is very versatile, but it has only recently been documented as having effects on certain conditions. Research is ongoing and more and more results are being published. Like other natural health alternatives, it takes time and many clinical tests before conclusive evidence is accepted by the traditional medical fraternity. However, some Doctors have discovered that there are benefits from noni http://www.askdrrichardwilliams.com/blog/.
The liquid form (Noni Juice) is proven to contain the greatest amount of nutrients and is a pleasant and nourishing supplement that boosts the immune system. Noni can help you stay fit and reduce the effects of toxins. Noni Juice provides a well-balanced supplementation when taking quite a small maintenance dose. Many people have found this easier than taking a variety of health supplementations and they also claim good effects with Noni.
The fact is that millions of people worldwide drink noni juice and are finding it beneficial; others are not impressed! There are many reasons why experiences vary. The quality of the products, how well we keep our bodies hydrated our lifestyle and many other factors. Noni Juice that is tested and verified as completely harmless is well worth testing*. The fact that noni is so versatile is also a reason why people experience it in different ways. Not everyone is exactly the same and noni is NOT a medicine!
If you have good health, congratulations! But even so, it is important to support your immune system to keep it that way. Some everyday causes of toxins in our bodies are pollution, stress, eating habits, sleeping problems and radiation from among other things computer screens, mobile telephones and the environment. Health problems that have already arisen naturally cause an extra strain on our immune system. We are not always aware of these factors until the problems develop into an ailment or disease.
Personally, I have been drinking a brand of noni juice for 4 years. Both my husband and I have noted extensive improvements in our health, which even the good results of our medical check-ups, and clinical tests support. We have had our fair share of medical problems, some as serious as cancer and a heart attack, (before drinking noni juice). Noni has not cured these health issues that have been treated with standard medical procedures. However keeping the immune system at peak performance on a regular basis gives us many health benefits.
I am very thankful for testing noni 4 years ago and have been drinking it every day since then! During this time, we have noticed many interesting improvements in our wellbeing. Just a few examples of our personal experiences - Better sleep, we seldom get contagious ailments such as coughs, colds, or flu and if so, these pass quickly without medications, increased energy levels and endurance, and an overall sense of wellbeing. Our personal experience is that these factors are improving all the time we are drinking the Juice.
I recommend reading before you buy .. An interesting and educational article on Noni products.
* Some noni products come with a 30-day money back guarantee.
Be well and talk to you soon, Coralie (alias Seacoral) . Please feel free to contact me at noni.info@yahoo.com ◦