Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Well-Being Linked to Sexual Satisfaction in Women and other Health Matters

Study: Sexually satisfied women experience well-being

Results of a new study show that women who are sexually satisfied experience greater vitality and well-being compared to sexually dissatisfied women. The findings, published The Journal of Sexual Medicine, studied women age 20 to 65 to find the correlation between sexual satisfaction, vitality and well-being in women. Read more

High heels today cause foot pain later

Results of a new study show the importance of making smart shoe choices during our younger years. High heels worn by young women could cause hindfoot pain later in life. The study, published in Arthritis Care & Research, also reveals older men have less foot and heel pain with aging, making high heels, sandals, and slippers suspect for foot and ankle problems that primarily affect women. Read more

Researchers explore pets for health and happiness

Researchers from University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine Research Center for Human-Animal Interaction (ReCHAI) are exploring how pets contribute to health and happiness. Pets could help us solve many of our societal problems by promoting psychological well being and by encouraging exercise, aiding in the fight against obesity and other chronic illnesses. Pet ownership can make us healthy and happy in ways that are not yet completely understood. Read more

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Toad Venom for Cancer Treatment and other Health Matters

Could toad venom cure cancer?

Scientists from MD Anderson are exploring toad venom for cancer treatment. The researchers say a drug used in China, huachansu, derived from dried toad venom, could slow the progression of cancer for some patients, following results of a Phase 1 clinical trial. Read more

Rub it on: Erectile dysfunction cream uses nanoparticles

Researchers from Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University have developed a nanoparticle delivery system using a cream that can be rubbed on to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). The unique delivery system allows controlled release of drugs and delivers nitric oxide to tissues that improves blood flow. Topical erectile dysfunction creams could prove to be safer than erectile dysfunction drugs taken orally. Read more

Green tea safe but unlikely to prevent cancer

According to a review from Cochrane researchers, green tea is safe for habitual consumption, but there is little evidence that shows the brew can prevent cancer. The conclusion that green tea probably cannot prevent cancer comes from a review of 51 studies of more than 1.6 million participants. Read more

Study review reveals cell phone health risks

A ten month review of cell phone studies from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found there are indeed health risks associated with the radiation that come from cell phone use. Some phones emit higher radiation than others, meaning some cell phones pose even greater health risks than others. Read more

Exercise 101: Older women benefit from endurance training

Women who are post menopausal can make significant health gains by engaging in endurance training. With aging, aerobic capacity declines. Anew study shows that women in their 50’s respond as well as younger women to vigorous exercise. The benefits to postmenopausal women in the study included increased vigor, body shape changes, decreased joint pain, and new (smaller) dress sizes without weight loss. Read more

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Green Tea Boosts Bone Health and other Health Matters

Green tea boosts bone health in new study

A new finding from Hong Kong researchers shows that a specific ingredient in green tea can help bone cells grow. The same ingredient also blocked destruction of bone mineral, providing a boost that could help keep bones healthy and strong. Read more

Fatty foods signal brain to eat more

New research explains why we get hungrier when we eat fatty foods. According to a study from UT Southwestern Medical Center, saturated fat tells our brain to ignore signals that tell the brain to stop eating. The effect of consuming a high fat diet can last up to three days, causing us to stay hungry. Read more

Chinese plant root kills H1N1 flu in lab tests

Chinese scientists have found that the root of the Ferula assa-foetida plant, also called “Dung of the Devil”, kills H1N1 swine flu in lab experiments. The plant root, used during the Spanish flu epidemic is shown to have powerful effects against H1N1 flu. The results showed that "Dung of the Devil" was more effective against H1N1 flu than antiviral drugs currently on the market. Read more

Virus could trigger aggressive prostate cancer

Researchers have discovered a virus in prostate cancer cells. The new findings leave many unanswered questions about cancer’s origins. If the virus proves to cause cancer in humans, researchers could develop a vaccine, much like the HPV vaccine that prevents cervical cancer. Read more

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Study: How Manuka Honey Fights Infection and Other Health Matters

Manuka honey infection fighting power studied

Results of a new study show that Manuka honey can inhibit proteins in bacteria, including MRSA. The results show how helpful natural compounds are for helping humans treat disease. Researchers studied MRSA in the lab, finding that Manuka honey has properties that can kill bacteria, and that it is not just the result of sugars found in honey. Read more

Insomnia 101: It can hurt your heart

Results of a new study show that insomnia raises blood pressure during the night, and can lead to heart disease. Over time, insomnia can hurt your heart. Researchers from Université de Montréal, its affiliated Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal Sleep Disorders Centre and the Université Laval recently studied people with insomnia, compared to people who sleep well, finding the connection between lack of sleep and heart disease. Read more

Depression treatment lowers breast cancer inflammation

Results of a new study show that women newly diagnosed with breast cancer experienced decreased markers of inflammation in the blood when therapy sessions were included to treat depression. Inflammation is known to promote cancerous tumor growth. Depression is known to increase inflammation, and can compromise breast cancer treatment outcomes. Read more