Saturday, January 8, 2011

Breast cancer, cholesterol and fat linked in mouse study

Fat and Cholesterol leads to Aggressive Breast Cancer, Found in a Mouse Study

Researchers at the Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson determined how the American diet that high in fat and cholesterol makes cancer tumors grow and spread faster, in a mouse study.

Philippe G. Frank, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University found breast cancer tumors use cholesterol as building blocks to grow, making them more aggressive. Read more

Digestion of Green Tea Protects Brain from Toxins that Cause Alzheimer's Disease

In a first study, scientists found digested compounds in the brew protect cells from toxins that cause dementia and Alzheimer's disease as well as slowing cancer growth, that they weren't sure existed after the beverage was consumed and digested.

Scientists from Newcastle University used technology that simulates the human digestive system to find the anti-cancer and brain protective properties of digested green tea. In the lab, the researchers exposed cells to hydrogen peroxide and a protein known as beta-amyloid that plays a role in the development of Alzheimer's disease. (read more)

Men who Exercise Vigorously more Likely to Survive Prostate Cancer

Vigorous exercise is found to lower the chances of dying after prostate cancer by 46 percent.

Exercise lowers the chances of dying from any cause, but in the study, men who performed vigorous exercise following a diagnosis of prostate cancer were found to have the lowest risk of dying from the disease.

The findings, published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, included 2,705 men diagnosed with prostate cancer who were part of the 18-year Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. In the study, exercise and prostate cancer deaths were compared among men who reported how much time they spent performing physical activity such as walking, running, biking, swimming, sports and working outdoors. (read more) ◦

Saturday, January 1, 2011

32% of 9 month olds obese, found in study


Obesity at 9 months of age could predict later health problems

A new analysis suggests babies who are obese at 9 months could have later health problems.

The new study showed infants with early obesity were among the heaviest by age 2, putting them at risk for later health issues that include heart disease, diabetes and emotional problems.

Lead author Brian G. Moss of Wayne State University and William H. Yeaton of the University of Michigan analyzed data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Birth Cohort to find 32% of children were either obese or overweight and at risk by 9 months of age. (read more)

Baby boomers turn 65 this year. Is our Nation ready?

Experts say the first round of baby boomers turn 65 in 2011. They also fear the country is not ready to meet their demands, medically or socially.

According to geriatricians at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, baby boomers are aging in waves that they call the Silver Tsunami. Specialized services that include medical care, facilities to accommodate active lifestyles, geriatricians, nurses, therapists, social workers, dieticians and community caregivers are sorely needed as the first round turns 65. (read more)

Exercise stops colon cancer

People who are physically active in adulthood have a lower chance of death from colon cancer, found in a large study.

An analysis of 150,000 men and women showed that beginning an exercise program as simple as walking 30 minutes a day also has benefits for reducing the chances of death from cancer, even after being diagnosed with the disease. (read more) ◦