Saturday, July 10, 2010

Everybody Deserves a Massage Week 2010

Everybody Deserves a Massage 16th Annual Event

July 18 to July 24 is Everybody deserves a massage week. This year Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP) have extended an invitation to television media to receive a free massage that include ABC co-hosts on "The View" and NBC's TV talk show host "Morning Joe". Read the entire story at

Prepare for Childbirth with Massage

A massage technique in the last four or five weeks of pregnancy to train the lower genital tract for childbirth. During perineal massage a women kneads the tissue below the vagina to prepare the tissue to expand more easily during birth. Read the entire story

Massage Aids Muscle Recovery after Exercise

Scientists have determined that immediate cyclic compression of muscles after intense exercise reduced swelling and muscle damage in a study using animals. A 2008 study funded by the NIH and the Ohio State University Pomerene Chair in Family Medicine, determined that massage has benefits for musce recovery at a cellular level from the animal models. Read the rest at